How to plant Roses?

The rose is one of the most famous roses that are grown in home gardens and parks, and it is also approved as a gift between people and lovers in the form of a rose bouquet. Dark or 

burgundy, and there are white, pink and other colors.

How to plant roses

• Choosing the appropriate soil for cultivation: 

One of the advantages of roses is adapting to living in hot or temperate regions, but it 

is necessary to choose the appropriate soil for cultivation, and fertile soil rich in organic 

matter is optimal for the growth of roses, and it can also be grown in sandy soil with 

the need to take care of watering it well.

• Cultivation place:

If the cultivation of roses is in areas with moderate temperature, then a place where 

the sun's rays reach must be chosen. 

• Digging a hole:

it shall be at least fifty centimeters deep, and it shall be left without burial or 

cultivation for three days; This is to leave the field open to ventilate the soil and 

expose it to the sun. Planting a rose seedling in the hole: after three days have passed,

then covering it with soil in a flat manner.

• Irrigation of roses with water:

every two or three days, and it is preferable that its temperature be medium, but in 

areas where temperatures are high, it must be watered with cold water. This is to keep 

the roots of roses cool.

Tips when planting roses

Add fertilizer three days after planting, and not taking this step before planting. Providing the 

soil with natural manure when it is cultivated in sandy soil , Avoid planting in the soil in 

which the roses were previously cultivated.. 

The most suitable time for planting roses.

Roses are often planted during the winter season in particular; In the months of January and  February, and it is mentioned that the rose adapts to a temperature that may reach twenty eight degrees Celsius, and the period of blooming the rose extends for a year, starting from  the spring season, and it reproduces by seeds and cuttings.

Keep following us for more information about Roof planting; Roots is an Egyptian social marketing campaign run by Mass communication, Cairo University students, English section, Fourth level. 

Our mission is to Create awareness about Roof planting & Green Roofs among the Egyptian society, build an emotional bond between Humans & Plants for the benefit of the planet, Take positive steps in their lifestyle.

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